Embedding New Skills with Immediate Impact

"My confidence has grown from seeing results of putting theory into practice. The applied learning approach of degree apprenticeships is really rewarding in that sense."
In his reflections on the degree programme, Sam shares how he is using his new knowledge and skills immediately for increased efficiency and impact.
"The skills and knowledge developed with the biggest immediate impact are definitely time-management, organisation and planning. I have started using matrixes and models to more effectively plan out my weeks and prioritise tasks. This has been particularly helpful as my workload has recently increased at work. My planning and organisation supports me in managing that more effectively."
Sam also recognises that he previously didn't reflect too much on decisions he had made. Instead he would just make a decision and 'deal with the consequences'. "I have now gotten into the habit of always reflecting on decisions made and actions taken. If it had a good result I will learn from that and incorporate into future considerations. My decision-making is now a lot clearer, and my reasoning behind it. I can outline and explain my thought process."
Sam also states that as a result of the confidence he has grown and results he has seen from putting theory into practice, he is now also not afraid to question and challenge - always striving for the best results in his role and for his organisation.

"My decision-making is so much clearer. I am confident and can now outline and justify to others how I have reached my decisions..."
One of the most striking aspects of Sam's degree apprenticeship journey has been how being on the programme has really helped him develop a love of learning. Whilst he may not have felt ready for learning after college, Sam has now fully embraced every aspect of his degree experience.
Having initially thought that he might have to go back to university and pay a student loan, Sam realised a degree apprenticeship was the perfect solution.
Degree apprenticeships are often promoted towards school leavers and early talent, but an increasing number of employers now recognise that it is just as suitable for those in mid-career without a degree who would like to progress - like Sam.

"Being on the programme has signalled my ambition and drive to senior management..."
Signalling Ambition and Drive
“Being on the degree programme have definitely built my confidence. I now feel welcomed into senior conversations, and I feel much more confident in stepping in and raising my voice. I have had conversations with our CEO, and he has complimented my 'go getter' attitude, inviting me to communicate directly with him and discuss new ideas and solutions."
Sam also thinks that putting himself forward for the degree programme has allowed him to clearly signal his ambition to his colleagues, line manager and senior management.
“Being on the degree programme has definitely signalled that I am proactively looking to progress and build my career. Seeing the immediate positive impact it has had for me, I am recommending the programme to colleagues. At Action for Children I think we are all so focused on helping children and on achieving our business objectives as an organisation, that we sometimes forget to invest in ourselves. That's why I am making sure that my colleagues realise the immense benefits and impact of going on a professional development programme - both for employer and employee."